Vol. I . . . . No. 6
Gabby and Otto Jr.
Whoopy and I were elated to find that Brian, a neighbor on S6th
Street had adopted Gabby and Otto Jr. Unfortunately, Gabby and
Otto Jr were even less the loving couple than Whoopy and I. Otto
Jr, packed his bags and moved back to B.A.R.C. "I got sick of her
beating me up," he told Precious. All you folks who asked about
Otto Jr and were told he was already adopted can now reapply for
the privilege of bringing up Otto's namesake. Otto Jr's owner
must have the following qualifications: a strong throwing arm,
impeccable editorial skills to support Otto Jr's literary
efforts, and a pick-up truck
Starr Security Service Dog -
If he had a name, I didn't know it. Neither did my human friend
Jean, who brought him food when his owners, the Starr Security
Service, didn't bring him food. Once the dogs got loose and
Whoopy and I met them on Wythe, but they didn't bother us. That
time, Frances tried to call the guard dog service. A recorded
message gave no emergency number. In a previous episode, another
pair of dogs stationed under the Williamsburg Bridge would fight
whenever a pedestrian passed by. Neighbors complained and one of
the dogs was removed. Now the dog Jean was feeding was darted by
the police in response to neighbors' complaints, taken to the
pound, and is presumed dead. My first job was as a guard dog. At
least I had a name, Rambo. Fortunately, nobody complained that I
was mistreated before I had a chance to escape. Fortunately, my
Fairy Godmother Kathy took me in. In life, this Unknown Canine
was not as fortunate. May this dog have a favored spot near the
dog goddess Hecate as she and her herd haunt the myriad enemies
of dogs.
Hot Spots and |
Irene at Stroll In Video puts out the welcome mat for dogs and
human puppies too. A full water bowl is great after a romp in
McCarren Park. Irene hands out dog biscuits even if you never
rent a video. We don't even own a VCR. Kids have an easel to draw
pictures on. (14 Bedford Ave)
Watch out at Dunham Place and S6th,
a human maniac with a nasty
Rottweiler comes charging out yelling if you so much as pee on
"his" sidewalk. A guy who lives around the corner on S6th likes
to bark at dogs until they get riled up.
A sanitation cop prowls around on weekends trying to catch dogs
off lead. Why doesn't he come around Saturday nights when drunks
break bottles and leave dangerous glass on the sidewalks where it
can cut dog paws and children's knees?
The Right Bank Cafe
has a wonderful garden dining room where
well-behaved dogs are welcome and enjoy dining with their human
friends. "Just don't sit in the plant boxes," owner Kerry tells
dogs. Frances doesn't bring me because she says I'm too self-
promotional. Translation: I beg at other people's tables.
Lots of dogs are going to be sad when winter closes the garden.
(Kent Ave and Broadway) .
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