Vol. I . . . . No. 4
SUNDAY, July 20, 1997
B.A.R.C. Success Stories
Baisley Adopted
A long-time B.A.R.C. kennel resident, Baisley has finally found an owner. The new owner, a volunteer dog walker at the kennel, wanted Sweetie Baisley's cagemate, who was adopted by someone else, so Baisley won his owner on the rebound. Don't worry, Baisley, Frances originally wanted a Golden Retriever, but she's still been a good enough owner to me.
Hilton Finds A Home
Hilton who with Blue was a dustmop tag team at BQE Pet Food and Grooming has now been adopted. Can't say that I liked him much since we had a dispute over a pig's ear. Still, I'm glad he found an owner. The owner must really like him, because when she took him home two months ago he bit her. Despite his nasty streak, she couldn't get him out of her mind after she returned him.
Mom Dog
The mother of the three puppies adopted at the recent Manhattan Ave. Street Fail has now been adopted herself. We'll miss her friendly welcome at the BQE, but we're glad she found a home.
Spay and Neuter
The ASPCA spay-and-neuter truck came to the B.A.R.C. kennel to spay and neuter some of the resident dogs. As we go to press, 20 other dogs will go to the Fund for Animals spay-and-neuter clinic in Manhattan. For information about spaying and neutering, owners should call B.A.R.C. 718-486-7489.
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